Yoga = Life Simplified

Mar 3, 2020

woman doing yoga pose on yoga mat

This month, we are celebrating Linda Sloan as our Student of the Month for March 2020. When you think about yoga and what it defines, Linda couldn’t have said it any better. Find out how and why Linda’s life is more simplified with a regular practice of yoga.

What do you love about yoga?

What I love most about Yoga is the positive effect it has on my daily life. Regularly practicing Yoga has increased my physical and mental strength, focus, tolerance and awareness. For me, it is the ultimate mind/body experience.

How has yoga and meditation changed your life?

Yoga and Meditation has changed my life by simplifying it. When I am on my mat, I release control and surrender to the flow of the class. That has helped me in my daily life. I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore, I don’t try to change people or situations that I can’t control, and don’t compare myself or judge other people.

Why do you practice at Bella Prana?

I practice at Bella Prana because it is a warm, friendly, and community focused studio. The classes also fit my schedule.

What is your style of class to attend?

The style of class I attend are the flow classes. I attend Hot Power Flow, Flow Level 2 and Hot Power Hour.

Concur all your mind/body experiences with our Flow, Hot Power Flow and Hot Power Hour classes or discover the other 95+ classes we offer a week.  See you on your mat at Bella Prana Yoga & Meditation, Tampa, FL, voted Best of the Bay!