Bella Prana is delighted to celebrate Ashley Laurino as our Teacher of the Month for December 2020. Ashley truly believes in the power of yoga to heal all! Her practice has provided her with such a fulfilling method to work at becoming the best version of herself. It is forever teaching her how to consciously engage with the world in a meaningful way. She is dedicated to showing her students how it can enrich their lives as well. We are so grateful to have Ashley leading our Ashtanga community with her soulful approach and dedicated heart.
When/how did you discover yoga?
My first yoga class was an Ashtanga Led Primary 8 years ago. Not something recommended for beginners, as the rigorous pace is set to a measured count spoken in Sanskrit, with limited verbal directives. Despite how clueless I felt, I just knew I had stumbled into something incredible. What began as a desire for physical prowess morphed into a total overhaul on my life inside and out. I fell for Ashtanga hard, and the love has stayed strong over the years.
What do you love about teaching yoga?
I love witnessing the moment of awe when something once impossible for the student becomes possible. It is a window to something very special and divine inside all of us.
How has yoga and meditation changed your life?
The spiritual gems hidden along the journey have brought peace, humility, healing, and love for myself and others. Like a wise man once said, “the rest is just bending.”
Why do you teach at Bella Prana?
I want to give back what I have been given so others may benefit. I want other seekers to know this peace. I teach because I love my teacher and the Ashtanga practice so much, I can’t help but share with all who may hear.
Tell us a fun fact about you.
I used to work for a traveling carnival for many years growing up. I would climb in the middle of the Ferris wheel to help take it apart and put it together. It taught me a lot about myself, and life.
Bella Prana offers Ashtanga self-paced classes 6 times a week. Ashtanga is a style and class that is appropriate for all levels. Instead of leading a group practice, the teacher will be teaching everyone individually to better facilitate your personal practice. You can find our Ashtanga classes Monday – Friday from 6:00am-8:30am and Sundays from 7:00am-9:00am, and attend in person or virtually.