The 3 Biggest Breath Myths

Aug 19, 2024

As our Breathwork Breakthrough workshop approaches on August 25th, let’s talk breath with Dani Mae!

You may have seen a breath workshop pop-up at your local yoga studio or a video of your favorite athlete hailing the powers of breath control, but now that breathing techniques have become more in-vogue, there’s a lot of misinformation floating around.

Here are the 3 biggest breath myths you need to know before diving into a breath practice:

MYTH #1: Breathwork and Pranayama are the same.

The first thing my students learn in Breath Teacher Certification is that Breathwork and Pranayama are NOT the same. There’s even a big difference between “Breathwork” as one word and “Breath Work” as two words! Every breather should know this standard breath terminology:

Pranayama – is a traditional system of breathing techniques used in yoga lineages, often incorporated into an āsana practice or as a preliminary step to meditation. These techniques are almost always performed through the nose and while seated or standing and are used to harness and regulate the universal energy known as Prana.

Breathwork – is a modern technique defined as: controlled and conscious hyperventilation through the mouth. This technique is almost always performed while laying down and there are many styles and patterns that can be used for the effect of subconscious clarity.

Breath Work – is an overarching term used for all breathing techniques and styles of breath control. While Pranayama is a specific system of techniques and Breathwork is a specific technique, Breath Work simply equates to breathing techniques in general.

MYTH #2: Some Breathing Techniques are bad.

There are so many brands of breath work, that some will tell you their way is the only way to breathe, but that’s false! If someone tells you that a breathing technique is “bad” what they really mean is that it’s not ideal for a particular purpose. Every breathing technique has a time and place it’s best suited for. The way you breathe to fall asleep versus to get energized are very different techniques. Your goals and contraindications will help determine which breathing technique is best for you. The important thing to know is that some contraindications, conditions like epilepsy, are what can make a breathing technique a bad fit for a particular person, but a good fit for someone else. This is why it’s smart to practice and learn breathing techniques from an experienced breath teacher.

MYTH #3: Breathwork doesn’t work.

If you’ve ever picked up a remote you didn’t know how to use, you might have changed the channel when you meant to adjust the volume. That doesn’t mean the remote doesn’t work, it just means you don’t know how to use it yet. There are thousands of different breathing techniques and everyone is unique, so without the proper guidance, there’s a good chance you’ll find a technique that doesn’t work for you. For example, someone having a panic attack

who tries a depression relief technique, probably isn’t going to get the relief they’re looking for. That’s because the breathing technique to relieve anxiety is completely opposite from the one to relieve depression. If you try a technique that doesn’t work for you, seek out an experienced breath teacher who can help you find the best breathing technique for your goals.

Your breath is the fastest and most accessible tool to access your nervous system and it acts as a remote control for your thoughts, feelings and energy.

To learn more about breathing techniques and how to best use them, join my online Breath Technique Training. BTT teaches you over 60 different breathing techniques plus the science and philosophy behind them:

Written by Dani Mae, renowned breath expert and founder of Breath Guidance. Dani certifies other breath teachers and compiles research to bring breathing techniques to the world of modern medicine.

Ready to experience the power of breath?
Register for Dani’s Breathwork Breakthrough on August 25th @ 2pm by clicking on the workshops tab in the menu above!